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CanAg Diagnostics (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Room 1151, Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing Office Tower Building,
No.6 Southern Road Capital Gym, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post code: 100044
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Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc. continues its commitment to the development and manufacture of high quality, serum- based multi-constituent controls with the addition of our Vitamin D Control. The Fujirebio Diagnostics Vitamin D Control is an assayed, tri-level control containing both 25(OH) Vitamin D2 and 25(OH) Vitamin D3.

The Fujirebio Diagnostics Vitamin D Control can be utilized as an independent, internal quality control to monitor the precision of the laboratory’s Vitamin D assays. Laboratories can feel confident releasing their patient results when using a control containing both 25(OH) Vitamin D2 and 25 (OH) Vitamin D3 to assess the long-term accuracy and precision of their Vitamin D assays.

    Vitamin D Control:

·         Contains both Vitamin D sufficiency indicators: 25(OH) Vitamin D2 and 25(OH) Vitamin D3

·         Three levels of control that span clinically relevant concentrations

·         Value-assigned for multiple platforms

·         Lyophilized, serum-based matrix

·         Reconstituted stability up to 14 days at 2-8°C

·         Reconstituted stability up to 60 days at ≤ -10°C

·         Stable for 9 freeze/thaw cycles

·         Reputation as a "high quality" IVD manufacturer

Intended Use

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only

Fujirebio Diagnostics Vitamin D Control is intended for use as an assayed control serum to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the analysis of Vitamin D.